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FAR FROM THE FAMILIAR: there is NO question the Eastern European Dating Agency didn't prepare Tanja, my new mail order bride, for the HOMESICK FACTOR -- now homesickness is catching both Tanja and me by surprise, right after our wedding! It's logical international brides are often swallowed by loneliness while adapting to a new (and alien) life in the United States. We American husbands are many things (some best left unsaid), but we're NOT rocket scientists -- we can no more predict a woman's tears than we can FIND her at a shopping mall. A woman's mood shifts are unexpected (and frightening) things: I'm grateful Tanja tempers her loneliness with the same humor that attracted me to her in the very beginning. Still, doing my best to be supportive and understanding when she misses her home, family and friends is a Sisyphean task! When I set out to document the HIGHS of my new marriage to Tanja, I had NO idea we'd reach some significant LOWS as well! (Tanja is able to pull out of her maudlin moods with relative ease, at least in THIS video update.) Making a web-based documentary about my Eastern European bride is no scripted affair: our dizzyingly quick wedding makes my head SPIN with international culture, couture and confusion ... and the aftermath is so organically based I can only hold on, close my eyes, and FILM! I will testify cultural differences are problematic but NOT insurmountable for American men who marry foreign women -- of course, this is based on a tenuous new marriage to Tanja ... who is fond of telling me she's top tier and one-in-a-million (but which COUNTRY is home to those million women?)! (Can you TELL if Tanja is Belarusian, Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Polish, Moldovan, Czech, Hungarian or Finnish?) In America, the hard-to-believe mail order bride STEREOTYPE is common: sexy international women, looking to settle down, seek AMERICAN husbands with traditional values AND a worldly sense of fun and ADVENTURE -- I had thought these two positions in the domestic spectrum were mutually exclusive ... until I met Tanja! Our wedding is the stuff of FANTASY -- virtually PERFECT: I STILL find it hard to believe I found Tanja through an international dating agency! (Though the fact the company didn't prepare either of us for the homesickness Tanja's currently experiencing has certainly created no small hiccup.) It's ONE thing to meet the wife of your dreams on the internet, and become acquainted through awkward email correspondence (and less awkward web cam conversations); it's quite ANOTHER thing to bring your new bride-to-be to the U.S. ... through the wonders of immigration (and the 90 Day K-1 Fiancé / Fiancee Visa)! (Mixing MARGARITAS -- as we do in this video -- may be OPTIONAL ... but an international marriage should be drunk to be believed!) Seriously though, there is NOTHING quite like being newly married to a woman from the other side of the world: waking up to the nagging but electrifying accent of a feisty NEW INTERNATIONAL BRIDE is the most exotic EXPERIENCE an American man can HAVE, short of living abroad! (I would be the first to acknowledge I'm still adjusting to a language I cannot understand ... let alone pronounce -- LET ALONE TRACE to Tanja's country of origin!) I regret we were unable to help Tanja's family emigrate to the U.S. as well, due in part to Tanja's refusal to disclose her native country (as absurd as that is): to say her parents are a WORLD AWAY is probably an understatement. (They might as well be on a different PLANET, as I'm in a marital Catch-22: unable to fully console Tanja when she's lonely for family ... simply because I DON'T KNOW WHERE her homesickness is directed!) Still, what a THRILL to spontaneously put together a life with a foreign national ... and introduce her to all things American and CRAZY ... like ME. So DRINK one of our margaritas and TOAST the stunning variety of intelligent, playful, hot and sexy women in Eastern Europe, Russia and the Ukraine today: tomorrow, one just might (if the Atlantic is salting your margarita) become your MYSTERIOUS, beautiful mail order wife. Should you choose this unconventional route to marriage -- and it chooses YOU -- be supportive, flexible ... and OPEN-minded ... through bouts of Eastern European NOSTALGIA (and the tequila it requires)! The Sexiest English Movies are always FOREIGN -- especially when they're filmed in America.
* UNTIL OUR NEXT VIDEO UPDATE: a heartfelt THANK YOU to our PASSIONATE FANS ... who've WATCHED us, WRITTEN us and posted COMMENTS about us! I'm afraid Tanja and I have been unable to write back on an individual basis, but PLEASE KNOW we're both touched by your notes from Australia, the United States, Europe and the world over!) **
** WE'VE GREATLY APPRECIATED having our videos EMBEDDED in OTHER WEB SITES by loyal fans: THANK YOU!) ***
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