Happy Monday! We're thrilled to kick off the week with an exclusive beauty photo shoot, compliments of Merci New York's resident beauty expert, Paul Labrecque. As many of you know, Paul Labrecque is one of New York's most sought-after celebrity stylists. His three Manhattan salons {at the tony CORE: Club, Reebok Club and his freestanding Upper East Side location} are filled with fashionable brides prepping to look their wedding-day best.
Today, Paul crafted three of his favorite wedding makeup looks just for Merci New York readers. He detailed the step-by-step process of each look below and orchestrated an exclusive photo shoot with his amazing makeup artist, Daisy... And oh yes, one other small detail... he's inviting you to receive a free beauty consultation of your own {merci, Paul!}. See below for details.
Pink and Plum Princess:

Hollywood Glamour:

Golden Goddess:

The key to keeping eyeshadow from melting into your eyelid crease as the day goes on is to kept eyelids oil-free. Start with a primer like NARS Pro-Prime. Next, apply eyeliner above the upper lash line, drawing line thicker in the middle of eye. For color on the bottom {a key smokey eye look} you'll want to use a eyeliner pencil because they're easiest to smudge. Once the line is drawn, run your finger over it to smudge the line. You can also apply a bit of shadow to get full smudge effect.

Many thanks to Paul, Daisy, the beautiful models, and the amazing photographers from CLY Creation for developing such a fabulous, informative shoot just for Merci New York's readers. It was such a pleasure to be on set and see this all-star team work their magic! Read on to learn about all the talented artists and to redeem your free bridal beauty consultation from Paul Labrecque Salon & Spa!

After studying commercial photography and receiving their master degrees in fine art, they moved to New York City, impassioned to open their studio.
Each photographer's background began with fashion, still life and portrait photography, but their expansive digital and graphic technique naturally transcended into wedding photography.
Their work has been published in numerous fashion magazines including Korean Vogue, Marie Claire, Elle, Bazaar, WWD, Ann Taylor Online, Brides, The Knot, Contemporary Bride, The New York Times, and more.
They have also won the "Top Knots" photo contest held by Photo District News {an industry trade magazine} for three years in a row.
tel: 212-242-2499 | web | blog | email
All photos are courtesy of Cly Creation.
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Check Out The New Maddenedge Universal Defense E-book By Clicking Below
http://www.maddenedge.com/Ebooks.html The Ebook will feature routine updates, and exclusive videos that will only be offered to those who purchase ethe ebook
Welcome To Maddenedge.com. Maddenedge.com video's feature advanced tutorials from Madden edge a proven winner and 30+ level player. Maddenedge records full games and then talks you through what he was thinking, what worked, why it worked, and the best ways to counter different playing styles and schemes that occur throughout the madden online world.
The strategies are based on sound football play calling, not nanos or glitches. For this reason they have been proven to work on all versions on Madden NFL no matter the year, or system. Maddenedge uses sound fundamental philosophies to dominant the unsuspecting competition and then in video form he shows you how to beat today's top, average, and above average players. Maddenedge never plays games against opponents with loosing or 50/50 records. This way you can be sure that you are getting the best tips. Just take a look at the comments, there are plenty of players who have taken their games to the next level using madden edges scheme.
The original Maddenedge defense uses The 4-6 formation exclusively. Maddenedge has since created a new Universal Edge Defense that allows you to audible into several sets on defense, this addition makes the edge defensive scheme more user friendly, but 10 times harder to handle for opponents. On offense he uses the west coast formation. More specifically he uses the far twins formation exclusively. For the best experience it is recommended that you watch the Cleveland, Raiders, Seattle, Steelers, & Redskins videos. Those videos do a great job of explaining the basic fundamentals of the maddenedge scheme.
From there be sure to watch the other videos based on subject matter by visiting www.maddenedge.com The videos are more advanced and they show madden edge figuring out a way to combat many different online styles. Be sure to visit madden edge.com, & don't forget to check out a few sponsors at the site. Checking out the sponsors helps maddenedge to continue to bring you these great videos! Madden Edge.com has added a new chat room on the site. This is great way to share, strategies, and to talk Madden football with other madden enthusiast. Liking Madden edge on facebook.com is a great way to message maddenedge.com, or to leave comments about setting up times for chat sessions with Maddenedge & and other Madden enthusiast!
Like MaddenEdge.Com on FACEBOOK by clicking the link below
Check Out The New Maddenedge Universal Defense E-book By Clicking Below
http://www.maddenedge.com/Ebooks.html The Ebook will feature routine updates, and exclusive videos that will only be offered to those who purchase ethe ebook
Welcome To Maddenedge.com. Maddenedge.com video's feature advanced tutorials from Madden edge a proven winner and 30+ level player. Maddenedge records full games and then talks you through what he was thinking, what worked, why it worked, and the best ways to counter different playing styles and schemes that occur throughout the madden online world.
The strategies are based on sound football play calling, not nanos or glitches. For this reason they have been proven to work on all versions on Madden NFL no matter the year, or system. Maddenedge uses sound fundamental philosophies to dominant the unsuspecting competition and then in video form he shows you how to beat today's top, average, and above average players. Maddenedge never plays games against opponents with loosing or 50/50 records. This way you can be sure that you are getting the best tips. Just take a look at the comments, there are plenty of players who have taken their games to the next level using madden edges scheme.
The original Maddenedge defense uses The 4-6 formation exclusively. Maddenedge has since created a new Universal Edge Defense that allows you to audible into several sets on defense, this addition makes the edge defensive scheme more user friendly, but 10 times harder to handle for opponents. On offense he uses the west coast formation. More specifically he uses the far twins formation exclusively. For the best experience it is recommended that you watch the Cleveland, Raiders, Seattle, Steelers, & Redskins videos. Those videos do a great job of explaining the basic fundamentals of the maddenedge scheme.
From there be sure to watch the other videos based on subject matter by visiting www.maddenedge.com The videos are more advanced and they show madden edge figuring out a way to combat many different online styles. Be sure to visit madden edge.com, & don't forget to check out a few sponsors at the site. Checking out the sponsors helps maddenedge to continue to bring you these great videos! Madden Edge.com has added a new chat room on the site. This is great way to share, strategies, and to talk Madden football with other madden enthusiast. Liking Madden edge on facebook.com is a great way to message maddenedge.com, or to leave comments about setting up times for chat sessions with Maddenedge & and other Madden enthusiast!
Like MaddenEdge.Com on FACEBOOK by clicking the link below
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