Whenever we are styling brides, we often turn to the beautiful work of Twigs & Honey. Owner and designer Myra Callan always amazes us with a constantly evolving array of creative, whimsical and romantic pieces... There's truly something to suit the taste of every girl we work with.
Today I'm thrilled to share a few gorgeous items from Myra's latest campaign, as well our recent, in-depth conversation. After a quick glimpse at the beautiful images below, it's easy to see that Twigs & Honey is something special. So to sweeten the pot a bit, we asked Myra about the development of her line, her daily muses and inspirations, and how the whole creative concept came to fruition. I'm always so intrigued by the "how you got there" questions - and I think you will love her answers.

I grew up in Oregon and was smitten with wildlife and nature from the beginning. I ended up pursuing an educational path that would foster these interests. I suppose Id always liked pretty little things and fashion as well and my two different major interests in life came to a head while planning my 9-8-7 wedding to now hubby, Matt. After the wedding, I was still on such a creative high that I didnt want to let that completely go and creating Twigs & Honey really allowed me to never let it go!

I like running, yes like it, but I dont have much time lately for that. I love going to the movies and the bookstore with my hubby. I enjoy gardening and playing with our Siberian husky, Indy. I also go out with family for some stress relieving target shooting from time to time {Im sure thats a surprise!}. My favorite movie of all-time is Labyrinth, though the recent Inception is a close second. Ive also seen every episode of The Office at least once, emphasis on at least...
What inspired you to develop your brand?
I was inspired to develop Twigs & Honey by the enjoyment I received through creating pieces. I loved the idea of creating little bits of art you could wear and sharing it with the world. I also loved providing pieces for individuals wanting something unique and lovely.

When I first began my Etsy shop in January of 2008, there werent a ton of head piece makers on Etsy and Etsy itself wasnt that old. I literally did an extensive search through the site to make sure that what I was creating was going to be new, fresh and original and not just what was already being done. After that, I wanted to provide a line of products that would be vintage and nature inspired but completely modern interpretations focusing on fine materials and craftsmanship. As time went on and more and more people started to jump on the head piece making bandwagon, I kept moving my brand into one that focused on technique and uniqueness. Most of my flowers (with the exception of some small vintage and reproduction vintage flowers) are completely made from scratch. Most of my pieces are hand sewn with good old needle and thread. I dont even own a hot glue gun. I wanted to provide a product to the market that was lovely, stylish, unique and well-made and thats about it!

I began making small hair accessories in junior high because something always fascinated me about hair pretties and being 13, I couldnt afford any from the store. I kept it as a hobby for years and for our 2007 wedding, I decided to DIY my hair piece and those of my bridesmaids (along with the boutonnieres and bouquets). I received a very positive response from friends and family and loved creating them so much that I decided to launch a little Etsy shop in January of 2008. After I made a sale in the first few days, I was hooked and things took off from there.
What do you like most about your job?
Twigs & Honey gives me a creative outlet. I am a busy body and I have so many ideas bursting out of my head that Twigs & Honey really gives me an arena to let all that creative energy out into the world. I love that everyday is different. Most days are crammed with work from the early morning into the late night and right through the weekends, but it doesnt feel like work since its really a passion. I also love all the talented and sweet people I get to work with and meet. I feel very lucky!

I draw inspiration from just about everywhere. More objectively, I gather a ton of inspiration every morning from my favorite blogs. More abstractly, I gather inspiration from the world around me. I love the environment and studied it for years so its hard not to have that influence my designs. A couple times a month or more, I dive into a stack of magazines at the bookstore and I love great wardrobe in movies and runway fashion. I like looking at high fashion dresses and blouses and then thinking to myself, How can I make that into a head piece?
Why should we tell Merci New York's readers to buy your {oh-so-pretty} products?
Twigs & Honey pieces are designed for individuals wanting an extra special something to complete their look, whether it is a bridal look or an everyday outfit. The pieces are handmade with love, care and attention to detail and we use the finest materials and vintage findings.

Twigs & Honey, LLC made its humble beginning in Keizer, Oregon in an apartment with a lakeside view! It is now located in our home studio in Salem, Oregon. Our products are sold in our online stores: shop.twigsandhoney.com & myrakim.etsy.com. They are also sold at The English Dept. in Portland, Oregon, Lovely Bridal Shop in NYC, and Bella Bridesmaids boutiques nationwide.
You can keep up with Twigs and Honey news on our Facebook page and blog, too!
Photos by Lisa Warninger and Styling by Chelsea Fuss.
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