So it seems the universe really wants me to go on vacation. My inbox has become a goldmine of pretty little gems for the jet-set... and since every submission is more gorgeous than the next- I'm just going to succumb {and spend the next week beachside in New England}!
For the remainder of the week, Merci New York will be sharing getaway-bound inspiration. So if your headed to your honeymoon, or just prepping for the holiday weekend - we certainly have got the goods to keep you chic. First up: stylish recycled luxury leather goods from Gillian at Dewdrop Designs.

From bridesmaid gifts to summer self-indulgences, the whole Dewdrop line is pretty posh {and very versatile}. Gillian's cuffs just epitomize relaxed cool, and her tiny travel journals are to die for.
And while they certainly double as great guest books, I'm already dreaming of carrying one of her pretty little notebooks to the beach. The pages are hand stitched to the leather using natural beeswax and linen bookbinding and open flat so you can draw {and daydream} all the way into the margins.
Images courtesy Dewdrop Designs
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